SU / 05 / MAY
8.15 pm / Filmhouse 新万博体育_万博体育足彩-app|官网
Just how thin the line can be between boundless freedom and loss of control when intoxicated can be is impressively illustrated in the tragicomedy ?Der Rausch? from 2020, which will be shown once again at the Filmhouse on the occasion of the Brahms Festival: Martin (Mads Mikkelsen) used to be a passionate teacher - today, it's not just the students that are bored by his lack of enthusiasm, Martin's marriage has also run out of steam. His three friends, who teach at the same grammar school, are not doing much better. During a drunken birthday party, they discuss the theory of a Norwegian philosopher: According to this, a person is only able to perform best with an increased alcohol content in the blood. Such a daring theory needs to be tested. The four of them decide to do the self-test and maintain a blood alcohol level of 0.5 per mille during work. With renewed vigor, they plunge into their secret scientific study. The effects are not long in coming ... ?Der Rausch? was not only a hit at the international film festivals of Cannes, Toronto and San Sebastián, but was also named the best European film of the year in 2020 and won the Oscar for Best International Film in 2021.
Feature film from 2022 with Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen, Lars Ranthe, Magnus Millang and Maria Bonnevie, Thomas Vinterberg (Director).