In recent years, the MHL has redesigned its degree programmes, adapting them in particular to the constantly changing demands of artistic and pedagogical practice. In this context, the project "MusiS - Music in Schools" was developed, an innovative university didactic concept that aims to link the students' education even more strongly than before with later teaching practice.
MusiS - cooperation formats between school and university
The central goal of MusiS is to intensify cooperation between schools and educational institutions (conservatoires). The following possibilities and formats are available for this purpose:
- School-based AGs and projects
1) At the request of schools, MHL students support teachers in working groups and projects outside of regular music lessons (for example in the area of orchestra, chamber music, choir, percussion ensemble, big band, musical, digital media etc.).
2) The development and realisation of project concepts is an important part of school music studies, so that another possibility is for MHL students to approach schools with the offer to realise projects developed at the university in individual schools.
- University teaching and school teaching
Reflection on (music) teaching is central to educational science and music education at the MHL. Classical university didactic formats such as lectures and seminars are to be linked even more closely to concrete practice with the inclusion of MusiS. This can be done via topic-related school visits as well as by inviting teachers to the MHL as experts for special topics.
- Teaching research: Within the framework of student theses
(Bachelor's/Master's theses), research questions from school practice are often investigated. MusiS would like to have a coordinating effect here and facilitate students' access to the "research field", but at the same time also enable schools to articulate a certain research/knowledge interest, which can then in turn be worked on by students within the framework of corresponding research projects (for example, an evaluation study of a school's music-cultural project week). The formats listed ideally result in added value for all participants: the students get the opportunity to test and develop their pedagogical/scientific skills in practice. At the same time, the teachers can help shape the training of future music educators and gain insights into current music didactic concepts or research.
MusiS - Project example: From the idea to one's own song - Future Songwriting as a phase-connecting network project in the context of music teacher education
Creativity is a muscle that we all possess and that gets stronger and better the more we exercise it. The use of digital media can help to develop one's own means of expression and, especially in the composition and production of one's own songs, offers diverse potentials in the context of school music lessons. To train music teachers precisely at this interface of creativity and digital media in the context of teaching is the aim of the music teacher training Future Songwriting, which was developed by a Finnish team of experts in Helsinki. At MHL, the concept of Future Songwriting is being taken up as part of this year's school internship in the Bachelor of Arts and expanded into a phase-linking network project with seven schools from 新万博体育_万博体育足彩-app|官网 and the surrounding area. 25 students and their 13 mentors will enjoy a three-day kick-off workshop with the Finnish team to learn the essential basics for creative work with digital media in the school classes and then apply and implement these directly in the school classes. The resulting songs were presented in concerts at the MHL and other venues on 17 March and 18 March 2022.
MusiS - How can my school become a cooperation school?
Any general education school that is interested in intensive cooperation with the MHL can become a cooperation school. The way to become a cooperation school is to contact the coordinator Carl Philipp Drese. Following the conclusion of the cooperation, specific agreements can be made regarding the formats listed above, which can be realised once or regularly over several semesters.
MusiS - Team
The Ministry for Schools and Vocational Training of the State of Schleswig-Holstein supports MusiS through the partial secondment of a music teacher from the school service to the MHL. This secondment is carried out by a teacher at a general education school. Prof. Dr. Annette Ziegenmeyer (Music Education) is entrusted with the academic management of the MusiS project.
Cooperation schools