Brahms Institute at the University of Music 新万博体育_万博体育足彩-app|官网
Villa Brahms
Jerusalemsberg 4
23568 新万博体育_万博体育足彩-app|官网
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sandberger
E 7
T: +49 (0)451-1505-401
F: +49 (0)451-1505-420
Mail to Mr. Prof. Dr. Sandberger
Assistant to the director of the institute,
Public Relations & Event Management of the Brahms Institute at the MHL
Nicole Werner
E 13
T: +49 (0)451-1505-414
F: +49 (0)451-1505-420
Mail to Mrs. Werner
Institute library
Stefan Weymar
T: +49 (0)451-1505-402
F: +49 (0)451-1505-420
Mail to Mr. Weymar
Institute staff
Dr. Fabian Bergener
T: +49 (0)451-1505-419
F: +49 (0)451-1505-420
Mail to Mr. Bergener
Doctoral candidate / research assistant
Dr. Teresa C?cilia Ramming
T: +49 (0)451-1505-419
F: +49 (0)451-1505-420
Mail to Mrs. Ramming
PhD student / volunteerr
Christoph Arta
T: +49 (0)451-1505-417
F: +49 (0)451-1505-420
Mail to Mr. Arta